Quality in the Supermarket
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The demand for blueberries continues to rise. Currently the market is struggling with scarcity, which creates challenges. For example, how do you deal with the decreasing availability of blueberries, the rising price, the demanding consumer or the reduced quality of blueberries?
Date: Friday, March 22, 2024
Time: 15:00 – 16:00 CET
During the symposium Ludo Tuijnman (Normec Maas Goodacre), Stefan Droogendijk (Normec QC One), Michel Witmer (Normec Groen Agro Control) en Karin Gorree (Normec Innovative Fresh) will take you through the following topics:
The symposium is intended for Quality Managers, Quality Inspectors, Category Managers, Buyers and Growers.