Water surveys

vrouw in lab

Water survey

Anytime, anywhere, we are affected by water. Not only in the form of drinking water or for personal care, many sectors also depend on water. For instance, consider the food sector for production processes. But also, the sports & recreation, hotels & wellness, hospitals & care, governments & industry, greenhouse horticulture and agricultural sector cannot do without water. The water quality and safety are essential for our health and the proper functioning of society. To ensure water quality and safety, it is important to examine water frequently. Within Normec Foodcare, we can help you with various types of water research.

Water surveys in brief

  • From sampling to analysis and from advice to guidance
  • Various analyses in different sectors
  • From single research to subscription-based analyses
  • Research conducted by accredited laboratories

Water survey in the food sector 

Water in the food sector should be of optimal drinking quality. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Therefore, as a food producer, you will have to guarantee the quality and are obliged to demonstrate that the water meets the standards of the Drinking Water Act and the Drinking Water Decree. Normec Foodcare has all the expertise to support you from A to Z.

Water survey in the agricultural sector

Like humans, animals cannot live without drinking water either. High-quality drinking water is very important for the health of livestock. While animal feed is checked for all kinds of components, this is often overlooked when it comes to drinking water. Because your cow takes in about 100 to 170 litres of water a day, even a small contamination can affect milk production and cause health problems. This is why monitoring drinking water is important. We take water samples and analyse the samples for bacteriological contaminants and chemical parameters. Besides drinking water tests, we also have years of experience in the analysis of sluice water. Spillage water is a waste product that can be used as fertiliser under certain conditions. It is then important to analyse which substances the drainage water contains. At Normec Foodcare, you are at the right place for this.

Water survey in greenhouse farming 

Water is crucial in greenhouse farming. Water quality plays an important role in growing crops. It is necessary to have the quality examined regularly to prevent plant diseases, increase resilience and get the most out of your crop. For example, nutrient analysis or determining germination rates. Greenhouse horticulture uses large water systems to heat the greenhouses. The quality of the water in these systems is very important. If the quality is not good, it can lead to major damage to the system, such as corrosion or mineral contamination of the pipes. We periodically take water samples, provide advice and supply the necessary additives to bring and maintain the quality of the water.

Drinking water

Good water quality is important to us in the Netherlands. Water used for drinking or personal care should be free of harmful substances and should not contain too many (harmful) micro-organisms. Various legislation stipulates how the quality of water must be guaranteed. We carry out various types of water research from various laboratories to test the quality of drinking water.

PFAS research in water

The new and upcoming PFAS laws and regulations raise many questions in the agribusiness and food industry. PFAS can enter water in various ways. This can not only lead to damage to the environment and nature, it can also pose risks to public health. After all, water is essential for our food production. We are accredited to perform PFAS analyses in food, animal feed, soil and water.

Legionella prevention

According to the Drinking Water Act and the Working Conditions Act, it is mandatory for companies and institutions to have water tested periodically for the presence of Legionella bacteria. The requirement here is that the sampling and analysis of Legionella water samples are done by an ISO17025 accredited institution. At Normec Foodcare, we can support you to minimise the risk of Legionella. From sampling to analysis of drinking water, cooling water, process water, swimming pool water and waste water. You will quickly receive a clear report and we can help you with advice. This includes a management plan, risk inventory, water treatment, advice and check valves. We can also help with the digitalisation of the legionella control measures.

Pool water testing

Every (semi-)public swimming pool in the Netherlands is required by the Environment Act to have its water quality tested monthly by an independent accredited laboratory, in addition to its own daily checks. Through the unique collaboration within Normec Foodcare, we can offer you a total package of solutions in the field of swimming pool water pollution and exceedances of legal standards. From sampling to analyses and from management & risk inventory, water treatment, legionella prevention to check valve controls.

We help you prevent water contamination

Get in touch


Our experts have extensive experience with projects in different sectors, sizes of organisations and corporate cultures. We operate in the following sectors:

  • Food
  • Industry
  • Sports & recreation
  • Hospitality
  • Care
  • Government