Taste Test

Taste Test

Would you like to have your product tested for taste, because you are curious about the opportunities? We are happy to help you with good and expert taste research. This way you will know exactly how the consumer thinks about your product. In a taste survey, a group of respondents tastes a product. The group indicates what it thinks about this on the basis of various aspects of a questionnaire.


Taste research – a summary

  • We let a group of respondents taste your product
  • Various analyses give you a complete report
  • You optimise your product by means of taste research
  • Opt for a single product study or comparative study

We demonstrate the weak elements of a product through professional consumer research. This can be important if you want to market a new product, but also if you want to improve a product that is already on the shelves. It also gives you a good insight into the market opportunities of your product.

How does the taste research work?

You can choose to research one product (monadic research) or to test a few products against each other. In the report, your product is compared to a (different) A-brand or private label. This way you know how your product scores compared to the competition. Which variant you prefer to use is completely up to you. If you need advice on this, we are happy to tell you what a logical choice is in your situation.

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We use various techniques and analyses to give you the most complete report possible.

Normec NormBase

The Normec NormBase is a unique database containing all the studies we have carried out. This wealth of information sets standards for more than three thousand specific product categories. You can choose to compare your product to this NormBase. This gives you a good insight into how your product scores compared to the average of the product category.

Purchase index

Another technique is the Purchase Index. This index is based on the question of the buying intention of respondents. It indicates the potential of the product. This potential depends on, among other things, familiarity, availability and out of stock situations. The standard that the Purchase Index must meet differs per product group.

Reliable help in having a concept study carried out

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