Transport & Logistics


Transport & Logistics

Are you, as a company, heavily involved with transport, distribution, purchase, sale and storage of manufactured goods? If this is the case, you are likely increasingly confronted with stricter requirements when it comes to quality, food (product) safety and social responsibility. Our QA specialists will be happy to support you with respect to these requirements.

Are you faced with a client’s requirement to comply with a certain quality management system? Or are there certain requirements and procedures you have to deal with? We are happy to help you satisfy these high standards. A quality management system helps you to gain more insight into your company in order to work more efficiently and effectively.

Transport & Logistics in short

  • Quality Management Support
  • Outsourcing Quality Professionals
  • Experts
  • Digitalisation

Our services can be divided under four main pillars:

Quality Management Support

Implementation and optimisation of quality standards and international client standards by experienced experts. Consider: IFS logistics, IFS broker, IFS Wholesale, BRC storage & distribution, BRC agents & brokers, ISO9001, ISO22000, ISO14000, IFS HPC, FSSC22000, BIO, etc.

Together we look at which standard best suits your company and design a fully customised system for you. Each standard has its own specific criteria. You can find more information about this under food safety quality standards.

Outsourcing Quality Professionals

Engaging competent professionals who fit the needs of your company. Do you have a vacancy open in the area of quality? Enlist our professionals so that you do not compromise the performance of your business. This can range from management, to support in the field of administration, training, internal controls, etc. Perhaps you do not need a full-time quality manager straightaway? If this is the case, we can still help you maintain a high level of quality within your company.


Expertise in specific areas such as the construction of new warehouses, crisis management, handling of complaints, national and international legislation, recalls.


We can help to digitalise your system.

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